Saturday, November 15, 2008

Four Rock N Roll Queens showing their support!!

Last night on Sam Phillips' radio show, The Single Life, her buddy Gretchen Bonaduce - lead singer of Ankhesenamen, and Cherie Currie - lead singer of The Runaways, and their friend Yvette Barlowe - lead singer of The Mary Jane Girls ALL stopped by to play for an hour, literally! What a treat! To hear these three ladies sing together was awesome. And you can hear them too! Cherie and Yvette have been singing lately with Gretchen and Ankh and their next gig together is Nov. 19th, at Howl At The Moon at Universal Studios here in L.A. All four of these Rock N' Roll hotties showed their support of Amp'd Apparel throughout the evening!!! We love them all!!

97.1 Talk FM The Single Life
Sam Phillips' Facebook Page
Gretchen Bonaduce's Ankhesenamen Myspace Page
Cherie Currie's Website
Yvette Barlowe's Website

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sam and Ivonne Showing Off!

Sam Phillips, host of LA's 97.1 Talk FM "The Single Life", and Ivonne Aspilcueta, are seen here sporting some Amp'd tees! Make sure you catch Sam Phillips' outrageous show "The Single Life" on Friday nights 11PM - 1AM.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I can't wait for January 20th!!

It's going to be a new beginning for the country!!

But, we all should do whatever we can to support our new President!!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Go out and vote for your candidate of choice (Obama)! We are so lucky to have been born in a country where you have a say about who (Obama) is better prepared to lead this country out of these hard times and into a prosperous future!

So exercise your right to vote (Obama please!).
